Business & Industry - Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources

  • Where can I go with Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources?

    HS Diploma/ On-the-Job Training

    Farm Worker, Plant Nursery employee, Florist/Gardener and Groundskeeper, Farm Equipment Mechanic, Farm Manager, Fisher/Hunter/Trapper, Lumber Production Worker, Greenhouse keeper

    Jr/Technical/ Community College or Apprenticeship

    Arborist, Floral Designer, Interior Plantscaper, Irrigation Technician, Landscape Contractor, Pest Management Technician, Forestry Worker, Farmer, Hazardous Material Specialist, Poultry Hatchery Supervisor, Agriculture Consumer Specialist

    Bachelor’s or Master’s Degree, Doctorate

    Botanical Gardens Manager, Botanist, Agricultural Engineer, Turf Manager, Forester and Conservation Scientist, Ranch Manager, Horticulturist, Nursery Orchard Manager, Plant Breeder, Agricultural Scientist, Fish and Game Warden, Landscape Architect, Aquaculturalist, Plant Geneticist

  • How can I gain experience?

    School Activities

    FFA, Floral Design Competition, Horticulture Competition, School Clubs and Organizations

    Community Activities

    Part-time Employment, Community Garden Volunteer, Botanic Garden Volunteer, City Beautification Contests, Officer for Community Clubs and Organizations

    College Majors

    Agricultural Production, Aquaculture, Crop Production, Dairy Husbandry and Production, Sustainable Agriculture, Viticulture and Enology, Agricultural and Food Products Processing, Agricultural Business, Agricultural Economics, Agricultural Equipment Technology, Agriculture Education Services, Agriculture, Farm and Ranch Management, Food Science, Food Technology and Processing, Soil Chemistry and Physics, Soil Science, Sustainable Agriculture


Related High School Courses - Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources

    • Principles in Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources
    • Advanced Animal Science
    • Advanced Plant & Soil Science
    • Principles and Elements of Floral Design
    • Horticulture Science I
    • Food Science
    • Aquatic Science
    • Livestock Production
    • Equine Science

    Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources HEader





    Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources is a dynamic industry. Agriculture is also closely linked with careers in management, natural resources, and environmental science. Agriculture is the nation's largest industry, employing 20% of the nation's workforce. When most people think of agriculture, they often picture raising cattle and growing crops. Only a small percentage of the agricultural jobs are directly related to animal and food production, while the largest percent of careers involve agriculture-related science, sales, and services. Texas agriculture employs 790,000 people, having a $65 billion impact on the economy. The high school agriculture program helps prepare students for all occupations in the industry.


    The main focus of the program is to prepare students to become leaders of the future. One may prepare for a career in animal science, horticulture, food processing, agriculture business, environmental technology, or agriculture mechanics.


    The program can also prepare students for careers related to managing natural resources such as ecology, forestry, fish and wildlife, and parks and recreation.


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