All Digital Citizens Poster
  • All Digital Citizens

    Protect Private Information for thesmelves and others

    Stay Safe Online by listening to their gut feelings

    Stand Up to Cyberbullying when they see it happening

    Respect Themselves and Others in online communities

    Balance Their Time they spend using media and doing other activities

    For Information and Resources about Digital Citizenship, visit

21st Century Digital Citizenship

  • Digital Citizenship in the 21st Century in Birdville ISD, encompasses 6 -6 weeks of lessons including Digital Responsibility, Ethics and Empathy, Kindness Matters, Creative Credit and Copyright, Media Literacy, and Cyber Courage. It also includes the elements of Digital Professionalism, which are Copyright Laws, ADA Compliance, and Social Media. These align with the core values of Birdville ISD, which are Responsibility, Empathy, Kindness, Honesty, Acceptance, and Courage.


    Birdville ISD 21st Century Digital Citizenship

Last Modified on July 31, 2020