• Learn, Play and Grow Together

    • Look for the letters in your child's name in the world around you. Go for letter hunts using packages, signs, license plates, and magazines.

    • Count toys as you clean up together.

    • As you go on a walk together, notice the weather and the changes around you.

    • Paint, play with Play-Doh, color, use scissors, build with blocks, stack dishes, pick up small items, play with water toys, thread beads, squeeze sponges, use a fork and spoon to build those writing muscles.

    • Have conversations with your child, use time in the car and waiting in line to talk to your child.

    • Sing and recite nursery rhymes with your child. These skills build fluent readers.

    • Read together.

    • Limit screen time.

    • When your child does watch TV, talk about what they are watching and ask them questions about what is happening and what might happen next.

    • Play together, even if it is just for a few minutes, playing together builds language skills, social skills, and makes memories that will last a lifetime.