•   Honor's Human Anatomy & Physiology   


       Honors Anatomy & Physiology             
    A & P falls under Health and Medicine Pathway and counts for a 4th science course for graduation taught in 1 year. Course prerequisites are: completion of biology and chemistry courses; not required, but helpful prior courses are medical terminology, sports medicine I & Principles of Health Science.  This course is highly recommended for juniors and seniors who wish to pursue a medical career. You will learn all the human body systems and comparative anatomy of specimens such as sheep brains, cow hearts and deceased cats.  This class is heavily dissection based. This is a highly challenging, interactive, fun and rewarding medical course.
    Sheep brain dissection          Sheep brain   Ms. Allen teaches   group dissection
                                                                                                      Honor's Anatomy & Physiology is 1 science credit                   
                                                                                                                   Teacher: Dana Allen